Troubleshooting : Low or no Audio output

Short answer

Check if your device is connected to the speaker and make sure no other connected device is playing. Turn the volume up on both your speaker and device or perform a factory reset.

Volume, bass and treble knobs on top of the Stockwell II speaker.
Volume, bass and treble knobs on top of the Stockwell II speaker.

There can be several reasons to why there is no audio output from the Stockwell II. Try these options to fix the problem:

  • The most likely cause is that the wrong audio source is selected. Check if your audio device is connected to the speaker, either by Bluetooth or AUX (3.5 mm cable). Make sure that no other device connected to the speaker is playing music.

  • The volume on the speaker is too low. Try turning the volume knob to level 5, right in the middle. Level 5 is the default volume, or unity volume. Anything below or above level 5 will be exponentially lower or higher.

  • The volume on the audio source is too low. Try increasing the volume slightly.

  • If the issue persists, perform a factory reset.

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