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Unfortunately, there are fake products on the market. To make sure you buy an authentic Marshall product, be sure to purchase them directly from us or any of our authorised retailers.

Counterfeiters go to great lengths to make their products look genuine. However, they do not meet the high-performance and safety standards found in genuine Marshall products.

If you suspect that you have purchased a counterfeit, we recommend that you return the product and purchase a new one from marshall.com or from one of our authorised retailers online or in a physical store.

Marshall takes counterfeiting seriously and defends its intellectual property rights from counterfeiting by working with local authorities to conduct investigations, raids, and court actions against counterfeit manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. Marshall constantly monitors the internet for websites, e-commerce marketplaces, and social networks selling counterfeit goods.

Every year, Marshall is successful in taking down illegal websites and social network pages. We also work directly with the major e-commerce marketplaces in cleaning up their sites from counterfeit goods.

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