A brown Stanmore III speaker standing on a teak bookshelf
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Consumers residing in California have some additional rights with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act or (“CCPA”). If you are a California resident, this section applies to you and supplements the main Privacy Policy

California residents may contact us at any time relating to their rights to data privacy such as: RIGHT TO OPT OUT - the right to request that Marshall Group stops selling/disclosing personal information to third parties. RIGHT TO BE INFORMED - the right to be informed by Marshall Group at or before the point of collection of what categories of personal information they are collecting, including the purpose of the collection. RIGHT TO DISCLOSURE - the right to request that Marshall Group disclose what personal information has been collected from said customer in the past twelve months. RIGHT TO DELETION - the right to request that Marshall Group is to delete personal information that has been collected in the past twelve months. RIGHT TO EQUAL SERVICES AND PRICES - the right to protection against discrimination of consumers who choose to exercise their rights according to the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA").

1. Collection and processing of personal data

Please note that you need to provide Marshall Group with certain Personal Data if you would like to purchase products directly from Marshall Group (see also the Terms of purchase), if you would like to subscribe for Newsletters or Marketing and in some cases when you contact the support or customer service.

If you choose to withhold any Personal Data requested by Marshall Group for such purposes, it might not be possible for Marshall Group to accept your purchase of products, subscription for Newsletters or Marketing or solve the matter that you would like to have solved by the support or customer service.

Marshall Group collects and processes Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1.1 Upon purchase of products

The types of Personal Data that Marshall Group collects and processes upon purchase of products consists of the following for the following purpose and time periods:

Personal Data type:Legal Ground and Purpose:Personal Data Retention Period:
Your name, Your shipping and billing address, Your mobile phone number, Your e-mail adressFor the necessary purpose of fulfilling Marshall Group obligations related to the purchase, such as processing orders, perform delivery of the products, provide product warranty, resolving disputes, collecting payments, handling claims, withdrawals and repayment, and for compliance with legal obligations (such as book keeping).For the time needed to fulfill Marshall Group’ obligations, including facilitating warranty obligations.The types of Personal Data that Marshall Group collects upon subscription of Newsletters and Marketing:
Personal Data type:Legal Ground and Purpose:Personal Data Retention Period:
IP-adressFor the necessary purpose of fulfilling Marshall Group obligations related to security and fraud prevention.For the time needed to fulfill Marshall Group’ obligations towards law enforcement authorities and banks.

1.2 Upon acceptance of subscription of newsletters and marketing

The types of Personal Data that Marshall Group collects upon subscription of Newsletters and Marketing:

Personal Data type:Legal Ground and Purpose:Personal Data Retention Period:
Your e-mail address, IP-addressAfter receipt of your consent, Marshall Group reserves the right to process the Personal Data for the following purposes: sending product information, special offers, running competitions, conducting market research, measuring interest in and improving Marshall Group’ website, products and services, sending you newsletters and product information.Until withdrawal of consent. Please note however that for administrative purposes this might take up to thirty days.

1.3 Upon contact with support or customer service

The types of Personal Data that Marshall Group collects upon your contacts with support or customer service:

Personal Data type:Legal Ground and Purpose:Personal Data Retention Period:
Your e-mail address and other information you voluntarily provide upon contacts with support or customer service. For the necessary purpose of fulfilling Marshall Group’ obligations related to the contact, such as handling claims, withdrawals and repayment. For the time needed to fulfill Marshall Group’ obligations.

Contact Information

Zound Industries USA Inc ATT: CCPA 260 W 39th, Ste 201 New York New York US 10018 USA

This privacy notice for California residents was last updated: 25 March 2024.